Sealskinz Guarantees
We want to make sure you love your Sealskinz accessories.
That’s why we have a lifetime no-hassle guarantee on every single one of our products.
Basically, you can trust that we’ve got you covered no matter what.
Well, unless your dog eats one of your socks, then, that’s a different story.
Also, due to our amazing guarantees, there is no requirement to register your new Sealskinz products any longer.
Sealskinz Guarantees
Please note that due to our Guarantees,
there is no longer a requirement to register your Sealskinz products

At Sealskinz, we’ve kind of made our thing all about being waterproof. Therefore we want to make sure you feel confident spending your money on something that is 100%, well, waterproof. That’s why we have a lifetime no-hassle guarantee on every single one of our waterproof products.
What does that all mean? Well, if your Sealskinz waterproof socks, gloves, or hats either lose their waterproofness or leak, we will replace them with the same or a similar item. Now, when we say waterproof, we mean waterproof. However, swimming in our socks or standing in knee deep water for fun and then claiming they’re not waterproof, isn’t the kind of waterproof we’re talking about.
What is covered by the Guarantee?
Any Sealskinz waterproof accessories purchased via one of our stockists or on
The fine print
Our mean lawyer said we had to be a little more specific when it comes to our guarantees so here goes:
Please note, the lifetime in our Lifetime Waterproof Guarantee means a reasonable lifetime of the product. Also, we do reserve the right to refuse replacement if your dog ate your glove or you boiled soup in your sock because you forgot your titanium pot at the last campsite. So please don't interpret our lifetime guarantees as a license to misuse, neglect, or intentionally destroy your Sealskinz. Oh, and we also won’t replace stolen or lost items. And, last but not least, we reserve the right to change this policy in the future.
Our goal isn’t to just make the best waterproof socks, gloves and hats out there. Our goal is also to make sure that you’re so blown away with Sealskinz that you tell six, no let’s make it seven, friends or strangers about how Sealskinz created such incredible waterproof gear that you feel confident wearing it in the worst weather conditions...which actually makes for the best adventures. At least that’s what we tend to think.
Need to talk to someone about your Sealskinz? Contact and we'll get back to you fast.
Need to start a guarantee claim? Follow the instructions in the tab above labelled 'How do I start a claim?'